

Preventative Maintenance

Ace Pipettes, LLC. performs the following preventative maintenance as part of the calibration service. This is performed for all levels of calibration.

  • Complete disassembly and inspection.
  • External and Internal cleaning followed by lubrication (as applicable).
  • High wear items replaced (seals and/or O-rings*), other parts replaced as needed. **
  • Pipettes are “conditioned” to minimize calibration drift and then calibrated to manufacturers specifications.
  • No-smudge calibration sticker on every pipette.
  • Provide documentation of calibration service.
  • Maintain and protect record of service in our data base.
  • Notify client when follow-up service is due.


All Measuring and Test Equipments used for Calibration are certified and traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).


One year warranty on all services.

* Seals and O-rings are included as part of normal PM for single channel pipettes, as applicable.

** Replacement parts (for example: tip holder, piston) will incur additional charges.

ServicesLevel 2Level 3Level 4
Internal and External Cleaning
Leakage and Function Testing
Preventative Maintenance (PM)
Seals &O'Rings Replaced / Sealing System Overhaul
Detailed Calibration Sticker with Barcode
Summary Calibration report with "Pass, Fail" Column
Calibration Certificate With As Left Calibration Data
Calibration Certificate With As Found Data and As Left Data
Onsite Service
Additional Volumes and Readings
Sample CertificatesClick for Sample Summary ReportClick for Sample Summary ReportClick for Sample Summary ReportReport
Click for Sample Single-Channel CertificateClick for Sample Single-Channel Certificate
Click for Sample Multichannel CertificateClick for Sample Multichannel Certificate

Level 2 Service:

  • Designed for labs that need a quality gravimetric calibration but do not need “as found” data or detailed “as left” calibration reporting.
  • Single channel pipettes are checked at 3 volumes with 4 repetitions at each volume.
  • Multi-channel pipettes are checked at 2 volumes, 4 repetitions for each channel at each volume.

At completion of Service:

  • Bar-coded sticker is affixed to pipette with date of service, next calibration due date and calibrator’s initials. Sticker also has 2 ID fields, that can be customized if needed.
  • Summary Calibration Report listing pipettes and calibration status, are provided.

Level 3 Service:

  • Designed for labs that need a quality gravimetric calibration and “as left” calibration data reporting, but do not need “as found” data reporting.
  • Single channel pipettes are checked and reported at 3 volumes with 5 repetitions at each volume.
  • Multi-channel pipettes are checked and reported at 2 volumes, 4 repetitions for each channel at each volume.

At completion of Service:

  • Bar-coded sticker is affixed to pipette with date of service next calibration due date and calibrator’s initials. Sticker also has 2 ID fields, that can be customized if needed.
  • Calibration Report for each pipette serviced, which includes detailed post calibration data with pass/fail status at each volume, pipette information, environmental conditions, and list of replaced parts are provided.
  • Summary Calibration report listing pipettes and calibration status are provided.

NOTE: All channels on a multi-channel pipettes are validated.

Level 4 Service:

  • Designed for regulated labs that need a quality gravimetric calibration with “as found” and detailed “as left” calibration data reporting.
    • As Found Data:
      • Single channel pipettes are checked and reported at 2 volumes with 4 repetitions at each volume.
      • Multi-channel pipettes are checked and reported at 2 volumes, 4 repetitions for each channel at each volume.
    • As Left Data:
      • Single channel pipettes are checked and reported at 3 volumes with 5 repetitions at each volume.
      • Multi-channel pipettes are checked and reported at 2 volumes, 4 repetitions for each channel at each volume.

At completion of Service:

  • Bar-coded sticker is affixed to pipette with date of service, next calibration due date and calibrator’s initials. Sticker also has 2 ID fields, that can be customized if needed.
  • Calibration Report for each pipette serviced, which includes detailed pre and post calibration data with pass/fail status at each volume, pipette information, environmental conditions, and list of replaced parts are provided.
  • Summary Calibration Report listing pipettes and calibration status are provided.

NOTE: All channels on a multi-channel pipettes are validated.

Pipette Repair Services

Ace Pipettes services and repairs all major brands of pipettes. From preventive maintenance to replacement parts, we can handle most issues quickly. Repair parts are stocked for all the major brands, reducing your downtime and expediting turnaround.